Exploring Languages, Cultures, and Countries with Kids
Why is your website called Not an Exact Science?
Our Philosophy
Asking whether Van Gogh’s or Picasso’s style is “right” is just as unfitting as asking which parenting style is “right” or the “best.” What we’re doing as parents is a process, an art–definitely not an exact science. We didn’t create this website to tell you how it’s ought to be done. We created it to inspire you and your art by sharing our interests: language and travel with children. I hope it changes your life for the better.
On September 1, 2014, we are leaving our life behind to travel and live around the world as a family as we explore different languages, countries, and cultures. Follow our journey on our youtube channel.
Baby Sign Language
The first language we learned as a family is baby sign language with ASL. We have over 700 easily searchable, signing videos to help you learn how to teach your baby to sign. Baby sign is about communicating better with your baby based on your needs, so whether you learn one sign or one hundred, you are doing a great job at baby sign.
These amazing, future mothers (above) helped build the baby sign part of this website. I am excited to see where each one of them goes with their lives. They have touched my life, and I hope that the work they have done touches your life as well.
About Adelaide
I am a comedic actress and a marketing expert, which allows me to have a blast creating fun content with my kids. I worked in the fashion industry as the director of marketing for a purse company in Europe. I currently do the digital marketing for the popular Youtube channel, the Slanted Lens with Jay P Morgan. I have written many sponsored youtube videos, done improv at the Groundlings and Upright Citizens Brigade, and have appeared on television and in commercials. (And modeled for the cover of a marketing magazine. That one strikes me as funny.) I love my husband and two boys. We love to travel and learn together.