14 Baby Signs for Bedtime

Here are 14 signs to help your baby get ready for bed and go to sleep.
1. Bath
A great sign to help your baby transition and hopefully get excited for bath time!
2. Lotion
Signing lotion can help your baby calm down for their nightly baby massage or allow your baby to ask you for lotion before bedtime.
3. Milk
Better sneak in the last nursing or bottle before brushing teeth… if your baby has teeth already!
4. Brush Teeth
Healthy habits start now. Aaaaaand sometimes my baby reminds me that we need to brush his teeth.
5. Sing
A great way to end the night with peace and joy.
6. Pray
If praying is part of your goodnight routine, this can help transition your baby or toddler to prayer time or your baby can ask to pray.
7. Read
Sharing a story before bedtime is our favorite!
8. Kiss
Goodnight kisses are a must, especially if the day was hard.
9. Hug
Sometimes your baby will want to ask for an extra hug or two. So sweet.
10. Blanket
Does your baby love to be tucked in or does he kick off all the blankets?
11. Doll
If your baby is old enough, s/he might want their doll to help them sleep.
12. Bed
This is a great sign for your baby to ask you to put him or her to bed.
13. Lights Off
A great sign to let your baby know that it’s getting dark.
14. Bye, Bye
See you in the morning, baby.
Here’s to your baby sleeping through the night, and if not, may your short hours feel like hours and hours and hours of good sleep.

You’ve reached the end of the blog post. While you’re learning, get a free printable emailed right to you to print out and put on your wall. It includes babies signing 10 most used signs.