New Blog. More Awesomeness.

Don’t have time to read this?! I’ll read it to you.
Hey there!
I took a big step back from my blog to dodge some major drama (more on that on Tuesday/I’m not a fan of drama) and nail down what I’m reallllly obsessed with, so I have more energy to give you all the best stuff!
I’m really excited to share with you what is going on!
Here’s some of the hot stuff that you can expect from me with Not an Exact Science:
:: Brilliant blog posts and videos about learning languages more effectively and naturally with your little ones.
:: A super community oriented Intagram + YouTube channel for Baby Sign, featuring you.
:: Fun and tempting posts on travel school or learning through adventures.
:: Language classes customized for you to learn to speak a new language throughout your day with their little ones. (The moms currently in my language class are having SO much success. I can’t wait for you to try it if that’s your jam!)
:: Aaaaand family language retreats to different countries!!
Ohhhh, yes!
Right now you can totally try out a Spanish lesson for free (obvi) that will transform snack time into a Spanish immersion experience. Plus, the audio is genuine pregnant lady audio from a native Spanish speaker. ? Cant get better than that!
These classes are also coming out or re-opening in other languages, including American Sign Language. So stay tuned if you want to take baby sign to a whole new level with moms + dads who are deaf and use ASL.
I’m also bringing this to you in a newsletter that arrives every Tuesday. It’s the smartest virtual mommy meet up in the entire world!!
The one you don’t cringe at because that lady who gets in your face and tells you how to live your life is there… or everyone is just sooooo boring… or you remember it’s coming up and are like, “I actually have to go to that?!”
Every Tuesday, you’ll be squealing with joy as you grab a warm, gooey brownie with hot fudge and ice cream (or something healthy, but it better be equally as delicious) and hide down the hall from your kids to devour these newsletters filled with articles and products I make.
You can join the party here!
In the meantime, I’d love to know what your plans are for the rest of summer and what you’ve been up to signing, language, or travel wise!
Can’t wait to hear from you!
Here’s to an incredible end to summer,