Please, plan accordingly. This offer will close when the class is too full and without any notice.

Racing to the bathroom before pee meets your daughter’s favorite floral leggings…
Hitting the table with snack after snack, and you can’t believe they want more…
Pluuuuuus washing poop or maybe {hopefully} Nutella off your son’s hands…
You’re doing it ALLLL in Spanish, like you’ve been speaking for years.
So you smile mischievously because you {JUST} started learning.
That’s the power of our Spanish immersion program in your own home.
Start speaking Spanish with your little one(s) today .
{Not kidding. You seriously start speaking the first day you start.}

Get access to what you say all the time in English, so you can start saying these things all the time in Spanish and practicing your Spanish a bajillion times a day. {It’s amazing!} Plus, everything is situationally based, so you’ll learn faster. In these guides, we’ll cover dressing children, giving and receiving walking instructions, enjoying snacks and drinks as well as nursing and giving bottles, dining and putting things away in the kitchen, and going on neighborhood walks. Also included are instructions for giving daily care, like washing hands, brushing teeth, using the toilet, and changing lots and lots of diapers.

These are genius. Not only will you know the Spanish words for the rooms in your house and the specific things in your bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchen, BUT you will also know how to use them. With the word on the label card, there are the most used phrases because knowing the word for window is great, but being able to say, “Look out the window!” or “Open/Close the window,” is actually speaking the language. Plus, you’ll visually learn the gender of the words.

We’ll go even further learning tons of relevant vocabulary visually and how to use the words, like with the labels. This supports what you are learning with our language guides, flash cards, and games. My favorite part is everything you will learn to talk about on neighborhood walks–from sticks to cracks on the sidewalks; you know, everything your kids love.

We play as we learn because it’s fun and effective. You and your little ones will be clapping and shaking your booties all around your house as well as going on scavenger hunts in Spanish.

Por favor, lleva los vasos a la mesa.
Por favor, lleven los vasos a la mesa.
Please take the cups to the table.

Not only do we want you to sound native when you speak {ohhhhhh yes!!}, we want you to be able to understand spoken Spanish as well. Listening to the native speaker’s audio will help your pronunciation, improve your listening, and help you understand Spanish faster.

I know you want to binge on this entire class right this second, because it’s everything you need right now. But in order to become unshakably confident our Spanish skills, we’ll build a solid foundation week by week so that we can consistently speak a new language we’ll love for life.

Whether you’re on your phone, tablet, or laptop, you’ll be able to access the phrases and audio in a clean classroom view with your own personal login. You’ll also be able to track your progress and mark lessons as complete as you become confident in each lesson.

I want you {so badly} to finish this class strong and be so happy with how much Spanish you know. You will be able to monitor your progress in the class {and so will I} to help you stay on track. You will also receive weekly emails introducing the next exciting thing you will be learning. Plus, each month you can win awesome prizes as you complete your weekly challenges in the Facebook group. {You’ll like the people in this group.} I naturally attract other parents who are super supportive and fun, so you know this will be an awesome group that you’ll want to check in with and share your progress.

I know A LOT of things change in your life when you have little ones, so you have lifetime access to this class. If you start this class with one child and later have another, you’ll be able to start using the phrases for two children, more of the phrases for babies, and quickly add on to what you already know. Plus, when you and other parents ask for additional phrases that go along with what we are learning, we’ll add them to the class.

Where will you be at the end of this course? This is TOTALLY heart-pounding-ly exciting!!

:: You will be undyingly confident in your ability to dress your child while speaking Spanish, and your child (or children) will understand you. Plus, you’ll be able to say more complicated {but much needed} things like, your shoes are on the wrong feet and your shirt is on backwards. Did I mention that you’ll be able to plan to dress for the weather in Spanish too? Yes. It’s true.

:: Not only will you be able to ask your child to hold your hand, you’ll be able to give important instructions as you walk, like where you will cross the street, the status of the light, and when cars or minivans are coming. You’ll be owning your neighborhood walks in Spanish as you and your child comment on exciting things you see outside, likes trees, brown delivery trucks, cracks, puddles, and birds. Oh, your child wants out of the stroller now or wants to be carried? You’ve got that covered in Spanish.

:: Looking for something? You’ll totally be able to let your child know where something is in their room even if it fell behind the bed. Plus, you’ll be able to say the most used phrases here, like, “Let’s make your bed,” “Pick the close up off the floor, please,” and “Look out the window!” all in Spanish.

:: Potty time will totally be in Spanish with step-by-step instructions and proud-of-you moments. Changing diapers, washing hands, brushing teeth, and other daily routines are also invited to the party. You’ll also be able to communicate other needs in the bathroom. Uh oh, did someone leave the water running? Do the drawers need to be closed? Is the hair dryer in the cupboard? You can handle it all in Spanish.

:: Navigating your house will be a breeze. You’ll be able to call your children to different rooms, or they will be able to tell you where they are. Plus, you can ask your child or sweetheart to do super common things for you in Spanish, like hit the lights and close the door in Spanish.

::This is just a piece of the delicious pie I have waiting for you and your family.
Go through each module AND each lesson to see exactly what you will get.
{Shut up. I just want to start the class.}

Dressing your Baby or Child
First, we start off by getting in the habit of speaking Spanish every morning. At first you will be reading a lot, and by the end, you will be ultra-confident dressing your children while speaking Spanish.
Includes: 2 printable Language Guides for the basics of dressing a baby or child; classroom view of phrases and audio; plus complete audio download.

Talking {even} more while dressing your little one(s).
There is always a ton of putting on and taking off items of clothing like hats, glasses, sunglasses and shoes throughout the day, right? Using what you learned in week one, you’ll be able to easily incorporate these new words, plus we show you how with a rad clothing chart of over 70 pieces of clothing and accessories.
Includes: Illustrated Clothing Chart with over 70 pieces of clothing and accessories; classroom view of phrases and audio for chart; complete audio download.

The Bedroom
We started in the bedroom with getting dressed, so now we’ll complete your vocabulary in here while helping you to say the most used phrases, like “Open the door, please,” “Turn off the lights,” “Let’s make your bed,” and so forth to over 60 phrases spread out between your room and your child’s room. You’ll be impressed with how much Spanish you can speak in your own room.
Includes: 2 sets of label cards with phrases – one for the child’s room (can be printed more than once for more bedrooms) – one for the parent or parents’ room; classroom view of label card phrases and audio; plus complete audio download.

Finding Clothing Activity
You’re totally ready to easily do this activity. This will help you tell your children where things are in their room on the fly, which you do that all the time, right? So now, let’s get you doing it in Spanish.
Includes: Activity Printable; classroom view of phrases and audio; plus complete audio download.

Walking Instructions
This week is all about the instructions you say {all the time} when walking around with your child or children. It will also help your brain with memorization because you can’t look at it while you’re walking.
Includes: Language guide (printout), classroom view with phrases and audio, and complete audio download.

Room Labels for your Entire House
From every room in your house and then some, you’ll be able to say where you are, ask your kids to go there, or ask them to come to you. This week is fun because you learn as you go from room to room throughout your day.
Includes: printable label cards, classroom view with phrases and audio, and complete audio download.

Moving and Shaking Activity
Because kids just wanna have fun! This week is such a blast. You will learn how to shake your booty in Spanish and do all sorts of things little ones love to do.
Includes: Illustrated activity chart; classroom view with phrases and audio; complete audio for download; plus, game audio.

Partying through your House
Time to master giving instructions in your house while having fun. This combines what you learned the last two weeks and helps your children get a stronger grasp of what you are learning.
Includes: Printable activity guide; classroom view with phrases and audio for new text.

Snack Time
Your family will learn how to talk to each other in Spanish during snack time. If you took the free, two-week class, you’ll notice that this goes a lot deeper.
Includes: Language guide (print out); classroom view with phrases and audio; and complete audio download.

Food Charts {lots of them!}
This week will look a lil’ crazy at first with hundreds of things to learn, but just know, you learn the food words that you use on the daily — with the phrases you learned last week. To do this, we have illustrated food charts to put up in your kitchen.
Includes: Illustrated food charts for fruits and vegetables and other snacks; classroom view with audio; and complete audio download.

Drink Time
Similar to snack time, we want you to be able to talk about getting drinks as a family—the juice and lemonade kind. 😉
Includes: Language guide (print out); classroom view with phrases and audio; and complete audio download.

Drink Chart; Plus, Nursing and Bottles
This week is also similar to the snack charts {but much smaller}. You’ll be able to request additional drinks than you learned the week before—still the juice kind. Also this week, you’ll learn how to nurse and give your baby bottles in Spanish if you have a baby.
Includes: Illustrated wall chart; classroom view with phrases and audio; complete audio download; second lesson with language guide; classroom view with phrases and audio; and complete audio download.

Dining plus Kitchen
At the table, you’ll be able to ask for someone to pass you a fork, spoon, or cookie. You’ll be able to set the table together as well as put food and dishes away in the kitchen.
Includes: Language guide (print out); classroom view with phrases and audio; and complete audio download.

Kitchen Labels
You’ll be able to navigate and give instructions in the kitchen! We do save the cooking labels for the cooking lesson.
Includes: Printable label cards, classroom view with phrases and audio, and complete audio download.

Daily Care
One of my favorite weeks. You start helping your child during daily care, like brushing teeth, washing hands, changing diapers, and potty time.

Daily Care Chart
To help you with more daily care, we have an illustrated wall chart for your bathroom. {This totally means you can stare at it and learn Spanish on the toilet. ;)} You’ll have an easy reference to other routines you usually help your child with right in the bathroom.

Bathroom Label Cards
Now you’ll be able to say even more important things in the bathroom, including things you say as you get ready for your day.

Did you?!
This is a role playing activity to help you learn to ask all the important questions after a little one has used the bathroom, like, “Did you flush the toilet?” and “Did you wash your hands with soap?” Then you will know what to say in response if the answer is an obvious, “No.” 😉

Neighborhood Walks
It’s time for a good ol’ walk around the neighborhood. You will learn awesome things this week from asking your child if he or she wants to be carried, go in the stroller, or go in the baby carrier, to letting your child know if it is safe to cross the street or not.

Neighborhood Wall Chart
So much of our vocabulary is outside! This week, you will get an illustrated wall chart of the bagillion things your child asks you, “What’s this?!” when you’re on a neighborhood walk. {Not a really a bagillion. Just close to a hundred, which means “60 million” to my five year old.}

Scavenger Hunt
Yay! It’s time to go on a Scavenger Hunt in Spanish. This is complete with a language guide and a list for the hunt, but you can totally make more lists based on what you learned on your illustrated chart from the week before.

Weather Wheel, Plus Game
This week, you get a fun illustrated weather guide to not only help you know how to say what the weather is but also what it might be and was last night. All those kinds of things we say before getting dressed or going outside.
Also, we have a car game to help you learn different colors in Spanish as a family and how adjectives roll in Spanish.

More Specifics for Dressing
It’s time to get even more specific about getting dressed. I couldn’t handle three weeks of getting dressed at the beginning {because snore}. So it’s here when it’s exciting again to feed our curious minds and help us say important things, like, “Put your foot in your shoe,” or “Your shoes are on backwards.” Plus, you get a language guide for dressing two children at once.

The Last Week
This last week of class is like when you are done eating a meal at your Grandma’s house, and she keeps packing up food for you to take home with you. You’ll get some amazing things this week, plus a personal invitation for something else you will {love}.

I too love to see what I am going to get!
The Spanish in this class is ALL done by native speakers. Our goal is for you to have access to Spanish as it is spoken by native speakers, namely parents. Translations are not DIRECT. We did our absolute best to make these translations situational and native to avoid any English syntax, so you sound like a native speaker.
First, the class was translated by a Spanish translator, who is a mother of five children. It was edited by a bilingual editor, who is a mother of four. They were checked by a Spanish only speaker (and mother of three) to check to make sure no English syntax slipped in. They were then recorded by women who have very little fluency in English. That’s why they are so good and sound so good.
The Spanish in this course is from the Americas. In some cases, different words are used in different countries, like how some people in America say,”Pop,” others, “Soda,” and some, “Soda Pop.” You will be understood well using this Spanish in the United States. If you travel or know Spanish speakers from a specific country in the Americas, you will be able to easily add additional words to your vocabulary from them.

:: For this class, you will need reliable internet access to get your lessons every week.
:: You will need a way to print all of your printables once a week, which include language guides, illustrated wall charts, label cards, activities, and bonuses.
:: You will need little ones that still need instructions and your help to take care of and play with them. {Yes, this is great for taking care of spouses too. ;)} If your child is an infant, we will modify the activities for you; and I recommend going through it again as your child gets older.
:: You will also need to be consistent to get results.
:: If you want to be a part of the Facebook group where I give away monthly prizes, you will need a Facebook profile. (You don’t actually have to use your page for anything else if you aren’t into Facebook.)

I help thousands of parents confidently + quickly start speaking new languages with their kids
and live abroad with their little ones too.

Hi! I’m Adelaide Olguin, mother of two wildly hilarious little boys and wife to a savvy traveling points man. This program is the completely-organized-version of the system I use when we arrive in a new country. I love that it blows the minds of the people in the new country. They are like, “How long have you been learning our language?!”
When we first started our traveling lifestyle, I had the hardest time learning Portuguese. It wasn’t like when I learned German {when I was single and kidless}. This time around, I was working on the YouTube Channel I co-owned with over 130,000 subscribers, dedicating the majority of my time to my kids, didn’t have time to study, no one would let me study, and if I did study, it didn’t go far. My language material was teaching me so many things I wouldn’t use that day; plus, I hired someone to make me hundreds of flashcards that I never had time to use. I felt defeated.
Finally, I hired a couple of young adults to teach me how to say WHAT I NEEDED to say. The next week, a wide-eyed mom couldn’t believe how well I could speak Portuguese. Within the next couple weeks, I couldn’t believe how much Portuguese I understood.
Then I hit a wall. I needed to learn more, faster and be able to hear what I was learning whenever I couldn’t remember how to say it properly. Out of this, I made a system that I tried out and improved in different countries and kept developing as I learned Spanish and increased my proficiency in German. I’m {thrilled, over the moon, way excited} about the results. Now I have a system broken into three courses that takes me from knowing pretty much nothing to being able to speak a new language throughout my entire day with my kids.
Now we’re gaining proficiency in FIVE languages as a family, and next year, we will start with two more. I’m no longer worried about ‘being able’ to learn a language or having the time to learn a language. I know I can go in and learn any language with confidence AND with my little ones.
And just think, at first, I thought because I have kids I can’t learn a language. Now I realize that because I have kids, I can learn a language A LOT FASTER than when I was single and kidless. I just needed the right system, and here it is for you to take complete advantage of!

This page will close when the class is too full and without any notice.

For {WHATEVER} reason, if this just doesn’t work for you, you may request a full refund within 28 days. This will give you enough time to see if this is right for you and your family. We issue prompt and courteous refunds. {Because why create something for people if you don’t want to make their day no matter what?}
The amount of Spanish you learn in this course is based on how consistent you are, how much you practice, and how you learn. You will not be completely fluent in 5 months. You will, however, have a very strong foundation and be ready to go even deeper for the rest of the year. This is the first course of a 3 course series. The second two courses are {amazing} and invitation only for families who complete the first course.
© Not an Exact Science, 2015.