Don’t Be Afraid to Say, “Goodbye.”
Saying, “Goodbye,” to Regensburg was more bitter than sweet.
I didn’t want to leave Regensburg.
Our apartment was the opposite of our apartment in Lisbon. It had 12 foot ceilings, was gorgeously furnished and decorated, and was only a couple blocks from the old, city center. We went to the library every 3 or 4 days and got lots of books, CDs, movies, and magazines. (My idea of a really good time is reading.) We walked through the charming city everyday for 4 to 6 hours, going to Cafes, stores, and parks, visiting churches, walking along the river, and meeting other families. The city also isn’t too small or too big. It is my idea of perfect.
Like this door in Regensburg. It is my idea of a perfect door.
I kept telling myself to not be afraid to say, “Goodbye.”
…although it hurts my heart so much.
My mother arrived on Thursday. We had insane weather when she arrived–ranging from sunny skies to blizzards within hours of each other. Of course we were outside for all of it.
In the picture above, she is rehanging the Easter Eggs on the tree, which were blown about in the storm.
We spent Good Friday visiting churches throughout Regensburg. It was sad to see them for the last time before we left.
We said, “Goodbye” to Darian’s favorite park.
And to the only graffiti I have ever thought, “Well done.” This is a German high school.
After our walk, we then said, “Goodbye,” to our Savior as we watched this video.
On Saturday, we left Regensburg to Munich.
But it was like coming home to family as we dropped our bags off at our new apartment and went straight to the Reck’s house.
We first met the Reck’s in 2009 when we arrived in Germany. We rented a room in their house while we looked for an apartment. We continued to be friends and went to church together for 2.5 years. We stayed with mother’s sister in Sao Paulo, Brazil for a couple nights last year, and before that, her nephew visited us in Los Angeles for a couple nights. It’s like a love triangle–only in the sense that our relationship spans from Munich to Los Angeles to Sao Paulo, which would make a triangle.
Their boys are some of my favorite people. In the picture above, they are eating buckets of salad. I was the Sunday School teacher for one of them, and he was the only person in my class for a really long time. Hector was also a leader in the youth group at church and taught him as well.
When we arrived at their house, there was a really tall guy there, and I didn’t know who it was. No joke. It was him. He’s 18 now and still an incredible person. They both are. The younger brother has a wall of pets in his room and is building a green house in the yard. I’m excited to keep seeing their lives unfold.
My boys had so much fun at their house.
We stayed the whole afternoon and went to an Easter bonfire with them in the evening.
Darian fell face down in the mud on the way to the bonfire. lol
In the morning, the Easter Bunny brought baskets for the boys. Darian was so surprised. He had me call the Easter Bunny to say, “Thank you,” but he was busy, so we just left a voicemail.
We did an egg hunt in the yard. Above, Nolan is asking if there is candy in his Easter egg with his mad baby sign skills. He’s also started to say the word in English.
We spent the rest of the day visiting churches in Munich.
I kept telling Darian where I used to go with him when he was a baby. He was all smiles.
Except at the devil’s footprint in the Frauenkirche. He was mostly confused.
I also got some ideas for my grave at the Frauenkirche. I will need to pin this.
It’s good we said Goodbye Regensburg. Now we will get to see a lot of our friends in Munich and visit some of my favorite cities nearby. But then we will leave Germany in a week. Can’t. Handle. It.
Today, Hector commented that it’s good the weather is going to be freezing all week. I couldn’t figure out if he was being sarcastic. He then said, “God knew it’d make it easier for you to leave to California.” He’s right. Why else would it be snowing in April? (I want to say something snarky like, Global Warming! But then I will get unrelated comments from my mother.)
California, please be warm when I arrive. I need you so. So does Darian. He does not like to wear pants.