a day with the siblings
This morning, we headed out to Lehi, Utah to see Hector’s cousin Cindy and her family. (I’d tag Cindy’s blog if she updated it! 😉 hehehe) Cindy has three really cute girls, and one is three weeks older than Darian. Little baby Kirie was sleepy when we got there, so they didn’t get a picture together. But here I am with Audrey, her second oldest daughter. Her girls have such pretty hair.
After Cindy’s, we had a sibling lunch at Malawi’s. The pizza tasted pretty good until Rhet explained that he’s sure their cheese comes from Malawian breast milk. After our lunch, we went with Rhet, Jaicy, and Noah to check out the flow ride at the Riverwoods. It’s an indoor standing wave, which Rhet and Noah want to ride for an hour on their birthdays.
Before going to Aunt Lupita’s, Alondra took us on a baby clothing shopping spree. She got Darian such cute clothes. Thanks, Alondra! At Lupita’s, Allison and Lupita made us a fantastic dinner. I always love Lupita’s cooking. We talked about Alison coming to visit us. Hope she does!!!!! I would love that. Kevin showed up after Dinner.
We had a really good time, but Darian got so sleepy that we couldn’t make it over to Beto’s house. We were really disappointed. We didn’t allot enough time to our visit in Utah…