Back to California

My mom picked us up from the Long Beach Airport and took us to Johnny Rebs’. We had a really great time, and the food is really good. For the first time, Darian just suddenly fell asleep. We didn’t have to lie him down or anything. He just shut his eyes. We were amazed, and it was so cute.

When I was little, I always loved eating a peanut and throwing the shell on the floor. I thought it was the coolest think that it was allowed!

There aren’t too many peanuts on the fool yet.

Ah! Here it is. My home town. (A quick shot from the freeway.) It just looked so pretty as we were driving into it. It’s been raining a lot, so it didn’t look brown and sparse. Usually, when we fly into LA, it just looks so dried up. It’s amazing what a little bit of rain can do!