California Science Museum w/ Noah & Darian
We had a blast at the California Science Museum. Darian absolutely loved pushing buttons to turn on lights or sounds. He liked building things with us and looking at all of the animals and exhibits. The fish at the end made this Darian’s most favorite day ever. He was glowing he was so happy. We’ll definitely be going back again. After, we went to Darian’s grandpa’s office for lunch. Today was a ton of fun. And the little cutie even woke me up this morning by telling me to “wakie up!” He’s starting to babble all the time and is saying so many more words. Today he was doing a lot of ssssss and blowing too. I think it was one of my favorite days too!
And in the evening, Hector chaperoned the young men to go on a tour at the Disney Studios. I’m sure he’ll post about it.