Getting Organized

I started reading Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, and so far, it’s led to this
an organized system for our family to record any open loops: anything we need to get done, are involved in, or need to remember. David Allen explains that to be truly effective you have to have a complete, all encompassing organizational system. That way you can focus without anything stressing you out. My personal planner just wasn’t cutting it, but it’s still an important part of the system. Well, I’m excited for some stress-free productivity 🙂 and can’t wait to finish the book.
And I rather be 100% focused on this rather than trying to remember everything running around in my head.
Hector came home late last night from a young men’s activity where they were watching the Lord of the Rings. Hector’s the young men’s president for a youth group of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in our area. When he got home he started a conversation that went pretty much like this:
Hector: I am like Bilbo, and you are more like Frodo.
Me: You’re old and grumpy?
Hector: Frodo is all, oh the Shire, the Shire.
And Bilbo is like, I’m tired of this place, let’s go travel with the Elves.
— end of conversation —
If I ever visit CA, AZ, UT, or TX and Hector’s not with me, I’m pretty sure it means that he’s out traveling with the Elves.