Happy 10 Months!
I was in the other room when I thought Darian made a break for the stairs–his favorites. But then I started to hear some weird sounds before I could head him off at the stairs. When I went to look for him, I couldn’t find him. But then he started making some noises because his head was stuck between those two shelves. haha. I got my phone and took a picture. He was extremely happy that he got up there by himself. He’s such a character.
Darian at 10 Months
Words: a-dog, Hector, Ade, mama, dada, hot, banana, bye, hi, ja-ja-ja, nein (German for no haha)
ASL Signs: milk, more, eat, take me out, want, come, bye, hi
Animal sounds: whale, monkey
Loves: DANCING! wrestling, tag, hide and go seek, climbing, the saxophone, gadgets, and pulling on the strings in the closets to turn the lights on
Go to Word: hot! everything is hot right now. he touches food to see if it’s hot. and then says hot. if he’s outside and touches the hot ground, he looks up and says, “hot!”. when i put him in the car, he touches everything lightly like I showed him and says, “Hot!” But then he also says it whenever he feels like it.
Cute stuff: he loves to give kisses and hugs. he pats me on the back. and he’ll wrest his head on mine if I’m lying near him.
He’s such a happy baby, and I’m so happy that he’s ours. Happy 10 months Darian! You are sooooo much fun.