Happy Valentine’s Day

It’s Darian’s first Valentine’s Day! We met up with Evrhet and Jaicy because we thought we’d all be in the same area during lunch time. It ended up not being the case, but we met up anyway.

My brother isn’t wearing sunglasses inside because he got lasik, but because he just joined the blues brothers 2011. (He’s a backup dancer.)

After lunch, we visited the Cavaness family. It was so awesome to see them. They were are best friends in Germany before they moved back to Utah…. We still love them.


Darian has been SCREAMING in his car seat. It’s made going long distances in the car very exhausting. Right before we left, Hector’s mom showed us this fun toy. We put it on Darian’s car seat, and he quietly plays with it until he grabs ahold of it and falls asleep. It trumps all of his other car toys.

For our Valentine’s date, we got food at Olive Garden and ate it quietly at the Sheraton in SLC. I hate being at a restaurant on Valentine’s day. Everyone is always super stressed. This was a lot better. I think we’ll do it like this next year if we decide to celebrate Valentine’s day again.