Milam, Knecht & Warner LLP had their company party at Knott’s today. It was so much fun to go to a theme park with everyone. We started the day off with a big lunch together. All the Knott’s chicken you could eat? You beat cha! Darian even entered a drawing contest. He colored the picture all on his own. He’s gotten really good at getting color across the paper, but he still tries to eat the crayons. Haha. But he won! (I think all of the kids did.) But my 10 month old won his first coloring contest. Yay!
Darian licked the window rails on the train ride, so that’s rust all over his face. That can’t be good, right? I guess it really tasted interesting because there’s so much on his face! No one realized it until we got off the train. My dad had a lot of fun taking his grandson on all the different rides.
I really liked how relaxed Knott’s was about baby switching to go on the rides. At Disneyland, one of the parents gets a pass the first time through that let’s the next parent go through the fast pass line or maybe the exit, so he or she doesn’t have to wait as long. Plus, the parent can go with one other person. At Knott’s, you take your baby in line with you, and the lines weren’t that long today. Then when you get to the ride, one parent waits off to the side while the other one goes. Then the other parent gets to ride. So no more lines. Love it. Plus, the Knott’s workers just saved a row on each of the rides, so a bunch of other people in our group got to ride again. That means I went on every ride twice in a row while my mom watched Darian for the second time. Awesome! Thanks, mom!
There were also a lot of rides Darian could go on. He even was allowed on the log ride. Fun! My favorite was the ride that shoots us really high into the air. We were in a spot where Darian was sitting in his stroller right in front of us on the other side of the gate. He watched us go a couple feet in the air and waved at us. Then he looked up really high as we shot into the air. He looked so cute looking up so high at us. I wonder what he was thinking–my parents just shot into the air… that’s normal.
For dinner, we went to In and Out with my cousins. I have never seen a drink so big at in and out.