Lovin’ the May Sun
I left Darian playing with the bottle of sunblock, yellow ring, and book while I made breakfast. Then I started to hear some really distressed sounds. I found him stuck halfway under his crib. After a good team effort (my trying to hold his crib up while dragging him out), he was free! But then he did it again later today…
I got a mother’s day package in the mail from my family today. It was a wonderful surprise! Thank you all so much. I really loved the card and the presents. Darian loved them too!
We went to the post office today to mail a letter and a package, and then we picked up some baby food for Darian. It was a really nice walk because it’s such a warm day! I loved it. Darian was so happy to be outside. He really likes to ride with his feet up in his stroller–just chillin’.
Darian loves being outside. We played outside for an hour in the morning, and after that, every time we walked through the house and he saw the open door to the green grass and little tree, he started to whimper. Then when we started to walk outside, he’d kick his legs and throw his arms about. There isn’t anything better than that beautiful sun!