Montrose, California
We started our afternoon in Montrose at Anderson’s Pet Store. We weren’t picking anything up. I’m really not into having pets. But I thought Darian would like to see a couple animals close up, especially because he’s been having a lot of fun with all the different animal sounds, and now he could see them up close.
Darian loved this lizard the most. He kept pointing at him and going back over to his cage. He did look pretty neat.
These sucker fish made me laugh. What a nice life, right? When we had fish as kids, we had a sucker fish. He or she was my favorite. Unfortunately, we had the fish in our sun room, and during a heat wave, they all cooked because the sun was so bright coming through all the windows. It was very sad to find them all floating at the top of their tank. 🙁 Pets never worked out well in our family, and I always hated cleaning up their cages or tanks. Yuck. I really don’t want to have any pets.
Except, for one. There was this little bird at the pet store that just ran around in this big enclosed area. He ran so fast everywhere. Around and around. Under the bridge. Around the cage. Under the bridge. He looked so cool. I’d love to have one of those birds.