Stake Youth Activity
“What the heck is that?!” is absolutely right. For the youth’s summer camp, they are going to be sleeping in this. It’s a really old army tent. Only one guy knew how to put it together, so as an activity, they practiced putting it together. It’s fun because everyone can fit in it, and they have have a fire going in it. It’s not fun because it kept caving in. Hector and I are thinking about getting our own tent. 😉
Todays activity was out in Augsburg. It started with a meeting, then some camp training, a meeting for the YW stake presidency, and then the building of the tent. Because everyone lives so far away, they make these activities long. By the end, Darian and I were pooped. But I had a really fun time getting to know everyone, and Hector came too because he’s the young men’s president in our ward. It was a fun family activity, and we made some really great friends.