Yo Gabba Gabba at Mickey’s Halloween Party
To ring in October, we decided to spend the last day of September at Mickey’s Halloween Party. Mickey’s Halloween Party is a night at Disneyland exclusive to those attending the party, where adults and kids get to dress up, trick or treat for lots and lots of candy, go on rides, and dance the night away with the characters. We, of course, loved it. My sister in law Jaicy came down from Northern California to go, and Sierra, Christian, Alondra, Jena, and Jonathan came too.
Here’s Darian pushing the stroller to the park’s entrance without us. 😉
We decided to dress up as Yo Gabba Gabba characters. Hector was DJ Lance, I was Plex the robot, and Darian was Brobee. I had asked Hector which Disney characters we wanted to be together. But he thought that was boring because everyone was going to be disney characters. Well, he wouldn’t listen to me explain– that, of course, it’s disneyland, so we should be disney characters. Instead, we crashed the party in our costumes from characters on Nick Jr. And it was awesome. All the kids were so excited to see DJ Lance. Every couple seconds, we’d here a child historically calling out, “Yo Gabba Gabba!” Hector would put on his DJ Lance voice and say, “Heyyyyyy, KIDS!” Even the Disney staff was loving our outfits. A security guard and later a pirate told us we were their favorite family. In short, Hector was living his dream. :p
We were also a big hit at the dance party because “we like to dance!”
It was definitely a magical night. Darian loved seeing everyone’s costumes and loved that so many people called him Brobee. By the end of the night, he was mumbling “Oh abba abba.”
I also enjoyed being a robot.
And the decorations were fantastic. Oh, how I love halloween.
The party ended at midnight. We got home around 2:00 after dropping people off. Then tonight, we’re going to Knott’s Scary Farm and will get home around 3:00 in the morning. Darian’s staying at home for this one. But this is still a bit crazy. I can’t party like I used too 😛