This week we moved from the beautiful hills of Guanajuato to the warm, sandy beaches in Playa del Carmen. Our roof top pool has a breath taking view of the vast, blue ocean, and at night, from the hammock...
Family Travel
Hello credit card fraud in Brazil! My cards were cloned within 2 weeks of my trip. Here is my experience and some tips to help you out on your trip to Brazil.
Bosque Alemão is a really fun adventure to go on with your kids! You follow the trail of Hansel and Gretel through the forest to the witch's house where you can dress up as a witch and read books...
As my toddler and 4 year old walked into our row on the airplane, a man a couple isles up gave me a really rude look. Seriously?
We had a great two months and some days in Aracaju, Brazil. We chose to live in Aracaju because it isn't a big city, but it isn't a small city. It's on the beach, the cost of living is low compared to...
THE 3 WORST TIMES AND PLACES TO BE HANGRY WHEN YOU TRAVEL - and how to avoid it the craziness.
In the video above, we share how we help our children learn languages that we don't know or are learning and sure 14 tips that will help your language nanny. Getting a Language Nanny on ANY Budget If you’re interested in teaching...
Our first two nights in Brazil were at the Radisson Aracaju Hotel. I used 38K Club Carlson points for the two nights. We planned on securing a one month, furnished apartment by the end of our two night stay. It almost...
The first time Hector wanted us to do the Paleo diet, after 8 days, I had a total break down and cried bitterly as I yelled, “You are starving our family!” True words from a carb addict, right? He...
From the lightest car seats and strollers to the smallest bags that fit all your stuff, here are 5 tips to lighten your load.
I was absolutely not looking forward to flying to New York. We had a lay over and would be traveling all day. Plus, Darian is so active and always wants to be going somewhere. But it turned out a...
This is a one year old. So I think we are still exhausted from Darian's party and my birthday because we did nadda mucho for his actual birthday. We did, of course, sing him happy birthday, but it was a...
This evening we went bowling with Christian and Alondra. Darian thought the bowling alley was legit. In fact, he said it was. (Not really.) But it had all of his favorites: food, music, flashing lights, balls, stairs, fun people....
Darian is really into a birthday card he got that has a dog on it and plays music. & He's really into dogs. lol
For my birthday, I wanted to do everything I love--take part in life--because my last birthday, I was very ill, hadn't slept for a couple days, could barely walk, couldn't sit, and had such chronic pain that labour didn't...
For Darian's birthday party, we did a dance party--yo gabba gabba style. Darian's favorites include dancing, music, yo gabba gabba, snacks he can reach, family, friends, and little people. So that's what we gave him. It was a lot of...
It's almost been a year since Darian was born, which means it's been a year since I've been pregnant. It's unbelievable how fast time goes with reference points like giving birth and your baby's birth date. You're constantly reminded...
Today, we went to Grandpa's office for lunch. Darian has a lot of fun there. He loves playing with everyone, looking out the windows at the cars, playing with the random things in people's offices, and redecorating his grandpa's office. We...
Living in Germany for two and a half years can really change a California girl's view of rainy days. It rains about 50% of the days. So nothing changes when it rains--except everyone gets out their umbrellas. I guess...
Today I showed Darian that my phone can take pictures of us while we look at the screen. He thought it was sooooo cool. He kept doing different poses and smiling at the photos we took. And then he...
Darian is now very into owls. He sees them and says, "Whoooo whoooo." On the way out to the car at my parents' house, Darian spotted an owl and was so excited to check him out. In the picture above,...
To ring in October, we decided to spend the last day of September at Mickey's Halloween Party. Mickey's Halloween Party is a night at Disneyland exclusive to those attending the party, where adults and kids get to dress up,...
Here are two new ASL Baby Sign Language videos we made. The first is car and drive, and the second one is hurt, as in I hurt myself. & hurt Oh, and here is a picture of Darian playing with the...
Today, Darian and I colored animals that live in the ocean and a flamingo. It seemed like it went with the theme when I printed it out with the other animals... Here's Darian enjoying a cheerio while we colored. Today,...
So here's Darian and my first video: Play - Baby Sign Language (also ASL). He's just starting to learn this one.
After working hard in the morning and getting our house stuff done, it was time to go, go, go! (Darian's turning on the car with his finger.) We did something I chose, and something Darian chose. On Fair Oaks in...
Today, Darian and I hung out in Montrose for the day. It's a really cute town. On the street Honolulu, there are a couple blocks of cute specialty stores lined with wide side walks that are shaded by trees....
This morning we went to the soft opening of Pasadena's newest Antique Mall--Pasadena Antiques and Design. There are a lot of pretty pieces there! I'll post some of my favorites next time I'm there. It makes me miss the...
Today, at church, I kept motioning Darian to come to me. Every time he would sweetly lie his head on the ground and smile. What a sweet way to show his autonomy. (Our church building is being remodeled. That's why...
Darian is really getting a hang of his recorder. He loves to blow into it, and he's making longer and longer notes. Maybe in a week or two, he'll be interested in pushing on the holes to change the...
Darian couldn't be happier with his halloween costume. It came in the mail today. He recognizes that it's Brobee and loved dancing in it while we watched Yo Gabba Gabba songs on youtube. It's 2T but fits great around...
You know when you want to play around the house so bad, but you're just too tired? Then you wake up feeling all funny because you fell asleep mid crawl. Darian does this a lot. And when he wakes...
Darian got stuck in the floaty thing again. His pants had started falling down, so he was trapped because it flips up when he moves forward and he couldn't get past it because his knees were caught by his...
Darian loves the lights at my parents house. Speaking of lights and my parents house, part of this lighting tutorial was shot at my parents house (you can see the view) and my brother is in it, working as...
We snuck battman into his car seat and got him almost all the way to Disneyland before he woke up. Because we got to the park almost right when it opened, we were able to go on just about...
I serve in the nursery at our church on Sundays. We watch the one and a half year olds to 3 year olds. Because I'm in there, Darian gets to be in there too. He LOVES it. I'm not...
Darian is blowing into the neck piece of my saxophone. It's super cute because he also makes his own sound while he blows: BAAAAH.
(putt your butts here) We had a blast at the California Science Museum. Darian absolutely loved pushing buttons to turn on lights or sounds. He liked building things with us and looking at all of the animals and exhibits. The...
Some mornings I wake up really early and get a bunch of things done before Darian's up or sometimes I stay up late and get those things done after he goes to bed, but then Darian usually wakes up...
I was in the other room when I thought Darian made a break for the stairs--his favorites. But then I started to hear some weird sounds before I could head him off at the stairs. When I went to...
Almost every morning, I practice my saxophone while Darian plays around my room. I shut and lock the door to the stairs and close the bathroom door, so he doesn't get into any trouble. Recently, he's been more interested...
Darian, Diana, Lex, and I hung out with the monkeys today. I still can't believe they sat so close to us!
We went out to eat with our family tonight (my parents and some siblings). Darian, of course, charmed the owner. I'm not sure if the rest of our family liked the Indian food as much as we did. Probably...
I went to a dodger game with Robin, Alondra, and Sierra. We had a fun time together. Partway through, Christian's family came and sat by us. His little sister explained to me after half time and singing, "Take me...
Today, we were also at Jay P's shoot with Hector. After, we went with Jamie to China Town and Alevera Street. I bought Darian some maracas. Awesome!
Right. This is what happens when grandpa watches Darian. They have a really fun time, and I don't have to pick up the mess! Things are starting to settle down, and we're enjoying ourselves a lot more. Here's mister serious...
We took the afternoon off to meet Hector's parents at Hector's mom's Aunt Gracy's. We had such a good time! Darian loves the pool and couldn't wait until it was time to get in. Really, he couldn't wait. I...
Well, here we are in Southern California. It's really hot here. And during this heat wave, we're out at car lots with our baby trying to find a car before our week's rental is due (again). We're also super...
fun & sad we said goodbye to our friends tonight. we love you very much! && please visit us too goodbye!
We're getting to the end of selling are things, giving away our things, packing, and cleaning, so we used part of our day to have a good ol' time and say goodbye to Sur Bollywood. (Yep, that's Darian eating...
i've walked past this house well over 100 times, and it's my favorite for so many reasons. i will miss it because we are moving. goodbye pretty little thing.
Darian started going to a PEKIP course with his friend Nil. The instructor said that Darian has everything he needs to crawl, but isn't. She said that we cannot put him on his butt and let him play--it makes him...
Making sure daddy grows big and strong! A well needed breakfast for our trip to Augsburg, Germany today. It's under an hour from Munich to Augsburg, and it's a beautiful city on the romantic road. We love to walk...
"What the heck is that?!" is absolutely right. For the youth's summer camp, they are going to be sleeping in this. It's a really old army tent. Only one guy knew how to put it together, so as an...
For Stake Conference, we travel over an hour to get there. It's just as long, if not longer, by car, so we decided not to attempt that with Darian. It's held in a really beautiful city, so we like...
these boys love Darian For a young men's activity to say, "Goodbye" to Jonathan, we watched a movie, Some Like It Hot, at Jonathan's and Virginia's house on their projector. Hec and Jona grilled a bunch of meat, and the young...
We miss you, already. We went into the city today again. The weather's been really nice. Darian's first visit to Toys R Us. "Is this place for real?" "I love this place!" We started seeing a lot of these snakes on our street these...
Before having an awesome time at Jamie's Bowling/Going Away Party, Darian had a lot of work he had to get done.
Darian's friend was crying, so he grabbed her hand until she stopped crying. It was so sweet. She calmed down and stopped crying each time he held her hand again,sSo I got out my camera to capture the sweetheart....
Somehow Darian managed to get a heart shape of carrots around his mouth while we were eating, and I thought it was so cute. Poor baby boy. At least he's still a baby, and isn't embarrassed by this photo....
This is one of my favorite walks. I get off the S Bahn station at Isar Tor and walk to the Karstadt Bahnhof (2 stops down). It's great because we get to see the Isar, the Isar Tor, Marienplatz,...
I left Darian playing with the bottle of sunblock, yellow ring, and book while I made breakfast. Then I started to hear some really distressed sounds. I found him stuck halfway under his crib. After a good team effort...
I loved my first mother's day. My boys made it really special for me. I love being the best mom in the whole world 😉 besides my mom, of course. I gave a talk in church today about motherhood and...
Today, we went into the courtyard of the town-hall in Munich. All this time, we never thought to check out what was inside... It was really cool.
I made a sign for Rhet's birthday and tried putting it by Darian to take a picture. Did I really think that would work out? What was I thinking? Darian had a really good time with it. But when...
Darian got really quite while we were in the kitchen. We thought he fell asleep in his swing. When we checked on him, he was having a gold old time playing with his feet while swinging upside down. He...
Today was the best "Jamie, Darian, and Adelaide" day ever. We chilled on the lawn, walked in the sun to the swimming pool, went off the diving board, down the water slide, into the baby pool, AND got ice...
...sit on the grass... ...under the tree... ...ride on the bus... ...and ride the train.
Life is good. I had a talk with Megan (above) today. It went something like this: Me: Yeah, I give Darian a bath every night to get his energy out. It's really fun. Megan: I like baths. But mommy no give...
Hector was back at the Expo, so Darian and I went into the old town together. And there was a market! We picked up some meat and bread to make sandwiches for lunch. Today, I also brought the stroller because...
This past weekend, we took a short trip up north to Hamburg. It was a fun trip. Hamburg is a nice city, but we definitely prefer our Bavaria! We traveled on this trip with the Deutsche Bahn. The train...
see the book on amazon I started reading Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, and so far, it's led to this an organized system for our family to record any open loops: anything we need to get done, are...
Darian and I stopped on our way home from the Foreigner's Office to smell the flowers. They were so pretty, and he couldn't see them from his stroller, so I took him out. They reminded me of the flowers from Alice...
Well, today started off funny. We discovered in the morning that we didn't have any more eggs for breakfast, and that really thew us off. Since I was pregnant, we've eaten eggs (egg sandwiches, omelets, scrambled eggs, pop eye...
I decided to post a new sign that we do or are learning each day or so. I hope that this will help us blog on a regular schedule. Speaking of staying regular, today's sign is poop. I'm doing a...
I really wanted to get the Moby Wrap because Darian could be so much closer to me in it than with other wraps. It would make it so much easier to get things done around the house if I...
Happy 5 Months, Darian! Later, Darian had some fun with daddy. At lunch time, I fed him his carrots! Previously, Darian was getting more of his baby food on me than actually in his mouth. A lady that goes to our church...
We took our happy little monkey out to the lake today. First, we walked down to the town and saw that GelatOk! was open again. Yay! Then we continued our walk to the lake. We ended our afternoon at the bakery. It was...
Ugh. Of course, when we visit, it snows. How often has it snowed in my parents backyard? It rarely happens every five to ten years. On a clear day, I can see the LA skyline from here. Los Angeles...
In the afternoon, we met up with Melanie and her girls at the park. Darian loved swinging. After, we went over to their house. The girls were running around and dancing! Haley is trying out for the talent show 🙂 Later...
We had such a great time with the Wilson's! And Darian loves his LA Zoo elephant that Melissa got him. 🙂
It's so great to be in California with my family! Just enjoying ourselves and relaxing...
Hector's cousins Rebecca and Jose were sealed in the Temple today. As you know, we believe that families can be together forever, and temple sealing are a sacred ceremony that bonds families through the Priesthood of Jesus Christ for...
Darian has now flown six times. As long as he's sleeping, sucking on his binky, nursing, or chewing on something during take off, landing, or any changes in air pressure, he's his normal self. One time, he wasn't doing...
My mom picked us up from the Long Beach Airport and took us to Johnny Rebs'. We had a really great time, and the food is really good. For the first time, Darian just suddenly fell asleep. We didn't...
After running some errands with Jaicy and Alondra, we visited our friends Emmanuel, Jean-Luc, Patty, and Candy. Next it was time for our little get together. It was SO fun to see everyone even if it was a little brief....
This morning, we headed out to Lehi, Utah to see Hector's cousin Cindy and her family. (I'd tag Cindy's blog if she updated it! 😉 hehehe) Cindy has three really cute girls, and one is three weeks older than...
It's Darian's first Valentine's Day! We met up with Evrhet and Jaicy because we thought we'd all be in the same area during lunch time. It ended up not being the case, but we met up anyway. My brother isn't...
Welcome to the Rodeo. It was my first. My first time seeing children ride sheep and get run over, men ride bulls and fly over the fence into the audience, and women ride around barrels without knocking them over....
Today was our last day in Arizona during our Olguin Family Tour 2011 trip. My brother Steve drove us to the Phoenix airport. We had a blast in Arizona. I loved seeing my parents, my siblings, and friends. I...
Our night started out at Red Devil's, a pizza place in Tempe, Arizona. I loved the buffalo wings. (Not all of those are mine on that plate! or are they?) After, we picked up some sweeties for the super...
Not so early one morning, Adelaide, Baby Darian, my brother Esteban and I headed south of our sleepy Stanfield town to the beautiful Picacho Peak. No, it is not a natural monument to the international sensation of Pokemon but...
Stevie helping Netito Keeping the sun out of Darian's eyes We went on the swing, and he loved it! On the slide, and it was okay. And on the tire swing, and I hated it! motion sick Of course Hector took a picture.... the brothers and...
Darian made a friend at church. This little cutie isn't so little! He's only a couple weeks older than Darian. Jamie, show this to Andy, especially because she thought Darian was born with a lot of hair. 😀
Today, Hector's dad planned a big party. It was sooooo much fun. They had carne asada, lots of salsas, guacamole, salad, fresh made tortillas, and beans. Delicious. Their friends were really nice, and Darian liked seeing everyone. Hector's mom...
Darian's loving the seat thing that Neto and Adia let us borrow. At first he was a little floppy in it, but after a day, he's getting use to it. It's fun to have him sitting by us when...
Today we left California to go to Arizona. Hector's parents, brother Stevie, and brother Neto with his wife and baby live there. Netito is the first cousin Darian met. He was very sweet to Darian, but because he's an energetic...
After getting massages downtown, Hector, Darian, and I went to Chelsea's awesome birthday party. birthday girl on right Her birthday was every little girl's dream. 1. a giant high-heeled piñata. 2. a princess bounce house 3. cute, girly cupcakes 4. barbie party bags 5. a soft served...
Darian woke up happy at Grandma's in Southern California. He's been successfully breaking out of his swaddle but doesn't mind. I love his skinny little arms, so it's cute to see them out when he's sleeping. Because today was absolutely...
It's our first day in America, and it's time to do the most American thing we can think of: go to Wallmart. It's only right that Darian learns his roots. So here it is. Our first family picture at...
I woke up to Darian screaming in his bassinet next to me. After looking at the clock, I realize that he ate two hours ago. I can't imagine him being THAT hungry. He has a wet diaper. Perhaps he's...
It's the final count down until.... Tacos with Corn Tortillas ! Oreo Ice Cream! In and Out Burgers, French Fries, and Milk Shakes! Churros with cinnamon and sugar! pre-made cookie dough! stuffed curst, double pepperoni pizza! Armenian Chicken!! American Donuts! Taquitos! It's good I wasn't pregnant in America. I took...
This morning, I wanted to have a lazy Saturday. Nothing sounded better than staying in my warm pajamas, drinking some hot chocolate (by Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf), and reading a book. But I haven't had very many lazy...
Darian "i love you" We started using American Sign Language as we talk to Darian. It's been so fun to learn all the signs for his daily routines and things around the house. We're using this book to get us...
darian! love him hitting daddy finding comfort from his rainbow binky Sometimes the new year can be scary!
thanks, Melissa! For New Years Eve, I cooked a delicious Mexican dinner. Way happy it turned out soooo good. I think I get an A+++ for improving my cooking this last year. The year before, Hector informed me that I...
Hector and Darian at the Airport Tonight, we all went to the airport to pick up Mike. He came back to spend Christmas with all of us. Darian likes to fall asleep with something covering his eyes if he's not in...
Grandma and Grandson Today, the grandma wanted a picture of Darian under the Christmas tree. So I dressed him up in a Santa outfit, and Hector took the pictures. The LED lights made it a little tricky for us. We...
Darian This afternoon (which was really dark because we're approaching the darkest day of the year) we took Darian outside to make his first snowman! He watched Hector and I in amazement. It's good that he didn't have any expectations...
Nürnberg Today, Grandma Debbie, Aunt Sierra, Daddy, and Jamie went to Nürnberg while I stayed home with Darian because he got a little cold and is congested, coughing, and sneezing. He was very quite and slept a lot. I was...
Sierra and Deb Today, Sierra, Hector, Deb, Darian, and I went to the Deutsches Museum in Munich. Darian is looking around at everything and gets so excited when he sees new things, so I thought it would be really fun...
Today, Darian received his baby blessing from his father. Darian was sleeping right before his blessing, and we had our fingers crossed that he wouldn't cry through it. Then when Hector started, Darian's eyes opened wide, but then he...
Today we got our Christmas tree! It's our first real Christmas tree. Our first Christmas we had a baby tree, and last year we had a banana tree (because it was already in our apartment, and we were working...
It was time to go home, and it sure was snowing! Getting out of the city took quite a while. And we were surprised that so many people were still riding their bikes. We drove down through Frankfurt and stopped...
This morning, we played with our silly goose, and then when it was nap time, we headed out into the city to help him sleep and see Amsterdam! We started off with a boat tour around the city. Grandma Debbie Hec Mike,...
Darian Brussels This morning we left Brussels and stopped in Bruges, the prettiest city in Belgium. eating in Bruges Bruges Bruges Mike, always leading the way! Bruges Bruges Grumpy Darian Tonight we made it to Amsterdam! Daddy & Son
the milams darian the milams ninja adelaide Christmas Market Adelaide and Darian in the Town Square Hector in the Town Square
Today we drove around Luxembourg. It was so cold that none of wanted to get out of the car, so we just kept driving around. But it was an amazing drive. Luxembourg is absolutely gorgeous. I made videos of...
Poppy & Grandma Debbie Today, the grandparents took us on a road trip to the beautiful city of Innsbruck. It was an amazing drive through the Alps in Bavaria and Austria. We ate lunch at a ski resort in Innsbruck...
Sierra & Mike Today we went to Augsburg, Germany with my parents and sister Sierra. Augsburg is one of the cities on the romantic road that is close to our home. Because it is Christmas time, we got to visit...
Swaddled and Swinging Darian and Adelaide our one month old <3 Poppy and Aunt Sierra arrived last night, so after our visit to Darian's Doctor, we went to their vacation apartment to visit them. They are only staying a couple blocks down...
Darian's Room Our front room has a subarea, which is separated by a beam. We decided to have Darian's room in this area because it's where we hang out during the day, and it's our only available space in our...
Darian and Grandma Debbie Cross-eyed Darian Today for play time Darian wore rattles on his arms and feet. He loved starring at the one's on his feet. He kept going cross-eyed, which was super funny. (It's common for babys to be...
Jamie and Darian Today we hung out with Jamie in the morning. She held Darian for the first time, and, of course, he ripped a couple in her arms. That's my boy! Jamie is sitting on the exercise ball. I...
Today Darian went on the train for the very first time! We went a couple stations down and saw the palace where Princess Sisi (Elizabeth of Bavaria) grew up. Hector & Darian going to the S-Bahn The View from the Train's...
Today we were able to take some pictures of our funny boy's feet. Darian's Fetal Positioning I love this one because his left foot is where you would think his left hand would be.
Darian doesn't like to keep his legs in his sleeper. It doesn't help that the legs are too long, but he loves his legs crossed and under his little bottom just like he had them in my belly. It's...
Darian's finger nails keep cutting his face. He's too little to have his finger nails cut yet, so when he's being wiggly, we put socks on his hands to protect him. Poor boy, looks like such a goof 😉
Today, I had to go to the doctor to check on my prior infection. I rather stay home cuddling with Darian. But everything is healing, so we're doing great!
After being in the hospital since Friday, it was time to go home. Although I could barely walk, I hadn't slept in my bed for 5 days, and it would be nice to continue healing there. So we dressed...
Darian and Daddy Today, while Daddy was changing Darian's diaper, poop shot out at Hector like a cannon. It took us a long time to stop laughing. This little guy is a ton of fun. Darian Darian and Mommy's lap Darian Darian & Mommy
Darian Eli Olguin was born in Bavaria on his due date at some time between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning. Everyone was so relieved that he finally came out that no one even thought to look at the...
Well, I wasn't going to blog about my birthday, but Adri wanted me to and she's our most dedicated blog reader... My birthday was probably one of the hardest days of my life. I had gotten maybe 5 hours of...
Saturday, such a wonderful day. We decided to head out and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Munich. Even though we have been living in the Munich area for over a year and a half now, there is still so...
Today we went on a bicycle tour of Starnberg. Our main highlights were the palace and church on the hill. It was a very steep climb up the hill, but totally worth it for such a beautiful view. Hector and...
Today was the opening day of Oktoberfest, and we were crazy enough to go. Noah, Adelaide, and Hector 'During the months before Oktoberfest, they put up all the tents. They are like huge buildings with tent roofs. It's very impressive. a tent My...
Well, it's coming down to the end! We're at 8 months, and the baby is doing great. We went into the heart monitoring room today... I'm not really sure what it's called in English. The little baby didn't bounce...
Today we went to help a family in our ward make fliers for the family restaurant that they'll be opening soon. A couple weeks ago, we went and helped them set up chairs and tables and clean. Their little...
This morning we went to Disneyland and said our goodbyes. After a couple hours, it was off to Frankfurt for our temple weekend. We spent the afternoon in Frankfurt, and then the next day at the temple. But Noah...
The highlight of our day was the Disney Studio Tram ride. The ride took us around the studio to well see the studio. It turned out to be a lot more exciting than we had anticipated. I think the...
This morning we got to go into Disney Studio (equivalent to Disneyland California) a couple hours before it opened to most of the guests to check out the new Toystory area. We were sooooo excited. The first thing we did...
Today was awesome. We got into the park two hours before the majority of the guests are let in, and we went on about 6 or 7 rides. Then we spent the rest of the day trying to get...
Noah & Adelaide Ah. Yes, Paris. Noah and Hector The city of love. Nothing like standing under the Eiffel tower with your brother in law. 😉 Because it was Sunday, we decided to take a break from Disney Land and spend the day...
Today we left the house at 5:30 am. Uh, I forgot 5:30 am existed. The only way I could pull myself out of bed this morning was thinking about how important Disneyland is to Hector. It is probably one...
Noah and his bike My brother, Noah, is here in Germany! He got here on Sunday. He's here to work at Miche with us doing social marketing things and to have a great time in Bavaria. (Oktoberfest is coming up!)...
Hotel Room View Hector and I decided that for the weekend we were going to take a break from everything and relax! The weekend started off with a full body massage for preggos. It was amazing. I loved it. And...
After about a five minute bike ride, Hector and I usually go through a tunnel under the S-Bahn and are suddenly at the Starnberger See. It's a beautiful, 14 mile long lake that was created by ice age glaciers...
- der Bäcker - That German baker at Meier looks a lot like Hector, huh? As you know, Hector doesn't work at a Bakery, so why is he behind the counter helping customers? Well! After dropping a work package off at...
Sur Bollywood is my favorite Indian returant, and it's right in Starnberg. They have a room at the front of their restaurant that takes you right to Bollywood! It's my favorite place to sit. Hector at Sur Bollywood Adelaide being silly...
sierra the snail The snails are out! And they are huge! Well, it's a small mint box, but it's all we had. Still. Huge. And they are every where. But if it's not the snails, it's the slugs. Before getting...
Adelaide's Zucchini Bread Right, so this might not look like much. But it tasted amazing! And it was my first zucchini bread. I'm having a lot of fun baking. I can't sit down and work very well, so cooking has...
Adelaide trying to smile After my surgery, I had to go to the doctor every day for three weeks for them to take the bandage out of the open wound with their poky tweezers. Then they would poke and push......
the birthday girl! & spaghetti ice cream Today was Jamie's birthday, and it was awesome! Hector and I took her out to a Spanish restaurant. We got their hours wrong and got there an hour before they started severing food...
Happy Adelaide Today, Hector and I rode down to the doctor's office for our appointment. And he showed us that we're having a little, baby boy! We are very excited. I felt like it was a special moment, so I...